
To order a header, comment on this page including:

1. Your penguin name
2. The dimensions of the header you want.  If you do not know, just say N/A.
3. Your site URL that the header will be going on.
4. Any images you would like on the header.  These must have a one colour background and be saved as a .png file on your computer.
5. Any colours you would like in the header.
6. Any specific designs you would like as the background such as stripes or dots.
7. Anything you do NOT want.
8. What would you like the header to say?
9. If you are okay with us putting out blog URL in the corner (small font).  If not, we will still make the order but won't put it in.  If you allow this, then you're helping us out a lot!
10. A way we can contact you to give you the header.  (Website, email, etc.)

Your header will be made pretty fast.  If you want to check on how far we've gotten go to the Progress page.